Hellhounds LA

Cane Corso Keychain Gold

$19.99 $29.99
21 mm finger hole
6 oz
raised metal and black lining
*International customers will not be able to order keychains due to strict foreign laws*

Legal Disclaimer and Conditions of Sale

It is the responsibility of the buyer/owner to ascertain and obey all applicable local, state, federal and international laws regarding to the purchase, possession, and/or use, of all Hellhounds LA products. The buyer/owner represents that they, he or she is of legal age and that the products made by Hellhounds LA will be used in a lawful manner. Hellhounds LA assumes no responsibility or liability for damage or injury as a result from use or misuse and any harm, injury, or unlawful use resulting from the sale, trade, use, travel or handling of any products from Hellhounds. It is the responsibility of the buyer/owner to handle all Hellhounds LA products he/she/they purchases with care and its intended use as a tool.

Hellhounds LA, its subsidiaries, parent companies, divisions, heirs, employees, shareholders and other entitles WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OF ANY KIND ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS SITE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Let it be known that when making a purchase from Hellhounds LA you "the buyer" agree to all the "Conditions of Sale".

Please be advised if any product is confiscated during transit for not complying with local, state, federal, and/or international laws, Hellhounds LA is not responsible and there will be no replacements or refunds issued. 

Hellhounds LA LLC does not sell illegal Switchblades or Knives of any kind.

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